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Medvedgrad Brewery to celebrate 30 years with Croatian rock icons

Medvedgrad Brewery

(Photo: Samir Ceric Kovacevic)

Celebrating alongside the strongest Croatian rock icons on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Medvedgrad Brewery in Zagreb. 

Medvedgrad’s central birthday celebration will take place at the most powerful two-day rock event in Croatia.

On July 5th and 6th, 2024, Medvedgrad Brewery at its courtyard at Huzjanova 36 celebrates a significant milestone in the most rocking way possible, with two days of unstoppable Brundanje – Craft, Rock & Street Food festival.

Medvedgrad Brewery

(Photo: Samir Ceric Kovacevic)

This annual event becomes the epicenter of the rock scene in Croatia, bringing together the most prominent figures that have shaped the music scene.

On the first day, July 5th, 2024, the audience will be engulfed in a wave of good vibes with performances by Jonathan, Majke, and Let 3. Their lyrics and music have long become an integral part of the collective music consciousness, and now they will once again thrill the hearts of fans. 

Medvedgrad Brewery


Jonathan, who amazed the audience at the same address last year, promises a spectacle this year as well, introducing songs from his new album. 

Goran Bare with Majke is a street poet and voice of generations; he is not just a musician – he is an icon. His deep, emotional lyrics intertwined with incredible musical composition have created anthems that have touched the hearts of many. And what to say about LET 3? Their music pushes boundaries, breaks taboos, and opens doors to unexplored realms of human imagination. Their lyrics are challenging, rhythms infectious, and stage performances unforgettable. They do not compromise but carve their own path through music, art, and provocation.

Let 3

Let 3 (Photo credit: Franko Kelam)

But that’s not the end of the story because Saturday, July 6th, 2024, brings an even more explosive lineup with performances by Savršeni Marginalci, Kojoti, Jura Stublić & Film, and Pips Chips & Videoclips. 

These bands have not only shaped generations but also secured significant places in the history of Croatian music. Savršeni Marginalci, a quartet consisting of Suba, Zoki, and Šoki from Hladno pivo and Krmpa from Deafness By Noize, open the second evening, playing exclusively the first three albums of Hladno pivo. Kojoti, legendary Croatian blues rockers, will once again remind you of unforgettable musical moments. 

Pips Chips & Video Clips

Pips Chips & Video Clips

Croatian band Pips Chips & Videoclips invites you to prepare your vocal cords because the Pips, led by the legendary Ripper, await you with a repertoire beloved by the audience. Jura Stublić & Film is yet another Croatian musician and singer-songwriter whose hits have marked generations. From emotional ballads to energetic rock anthems, Stublić will take you through a wide spectrum of emotions and musical sensations, ensuring that you remember Brundanje for a long time.

At Brundanje, it’s not just about the music; this Craft, Rock & Street Food festival combines Medvedgrad Brewery’s thirty-year brewing tradition with a wide selection of beers for every palate and top-notch street food.

Savršeni Marginalci

Savršeni Marginalci

We look forward to seeing you on July 5th and 6th, 2024, when the courtyard of Medvedgrad Brewery at Huzjanova 36 will turn into the metropolis of Croatian rock. 

On Friday, the concerts start at 8 pm, and on Saturday at 7 pm. 

Tickets can be purchased at entrio.hr for 25 euros per day. Get ready for two days of intense rock, beer, and gastronomic delights at Medvedgrad Brewery. Get your tickets on time and join us in celebrating the 30th anniversary at Brundanje – this is a weekend not to be missed!

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