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Croatians are big milk drinkers, survey reveals

Croatians are big milk drinkers, survey reveals

Croatians are big milk drinkers, survey reveals

ZAGREB, 9 July (Hina) – Over two thirds of Croatian citizens (67%) drink milk on a regular basis, one in five consume it only with coffee, i.e. almost 90% consume milk more or less frequently, according to the findings of a survey.

The survey was conducted in May by Ja Trgovac magazine and the Hendal research agency.

It shows that 11.7% of Croatian citizens over 16 do not consume milk, 58.5% do so every day, 30.1% do so several times a week and 9.9% several times a month.

Also, 67.2% of respondents think milk is healthy, while 14.5% think it is not.

As for other dairy products, the most consumed are cheese (89.5%), ice cream (84.8%) and yoghurt (84.4%). Only 1.1% of respondents said they did not consume any dairy product.

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