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Croatian Football Federation present VATRENI crypto token

Croatian Football Federation present VATRENI crypto token

(Image: HNS)

ZAGREB, 10 January 2022 – The Croatian Football Federation (HNS) has presented a new loyalty crypto token VATRENI and an accompanying mobile app on Monday. 

HNS said in a statement that it is joining the digital revolution in global football and has collaborated with two Croatian companies – AMPnet and Biznisport – to issue the VATRENI loyalty crypto token and an accompanying mobile app.

With this new venture, the HNS will provide fans with ample opportunities for interacting with players, participating in decision-making within the Croatian FA, and accessing other features that will be exclusively available to owners of the VATRENI token. 

“By stepping into the cryptocurrency market, we’re making sure that we are staying on top of global trends, while also connecting with our fans and providing them with opportunities and services that they haven’t had access to so far. I am especially proud of the fact that we have partnered with two Croatian companies on this project because I think that the IT sector in Croatia is internationally competitive and that working with domestic companies ensures that our partners are as dedicated to this project as we are”, said president of the HNS Marijan Kustić.

The HNS’s official cryptocurrency partner is Croatian IT company AMPnet, which is responsible for providing the technology platform powering the tokenization process.

“I want to thank the HNS for working with us and for sharing our desire to provide fans of the Croatian national team with an even better experience through the VATRENI loyalty token. With support from the HNS, and through a collaboration between technology providers AMPnet and Biznisport, owners of the VATRENI token will be able to participate in decision-making and will be given priority access to buying tickets, as well as having the opportunity to earn rewards and discounts from the HNS’s commercial partners. Owners of the VATRENI token will also have the chance to win, earn, or buy exclusive products that will not be available by any other route. In addition to all of this, token-owners will be able to use their token to make payments, as the VATRENI loyalty token is compatible with Electrocoin’s Paycek application, which enables users to use cryptocurrencies to make payments at more than 200 retail outlets of brands such as Konzum, Ferivi, Ulaznice.hr, Football Mania, Sancta Domenica, the Croatian Post, and more,” said AMPnet CEO Mislav Javor.

The pre-sale of a limited amount of VATRENI loyalty tokens is still not open to the general public. If you are interested in purchasing the VATRENI loyalty token, you can find more information at https://token.hns-cff.hr/en, where you can also sign up for the waitlist. 

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