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Who Will Re-Brand Croatian Tourism? Shortlist Revealed…

Croatia107The Croatian Tourist Board have narrowed the search down to five proposals as it looks to re-brand Croatian tourism in 2015…

The national tourst board are set to retire its famous ‘The Mediterranean as it once was’ slogan, and will spend around 20 million euros on re-branding, international PR and strengthening and repositioning Croatia as a tourist destination next year.

“We are on the look-out for a big idea, one creative solution which will tell the story of Croatia and where an association to Croatia will be in the logo and slogan. We will start the process these days by announcing an international competition for the best idea, slogan and then the logo will adopt to the campaign,” said Minister of Tourism Darko Lorencin, about the project titled ‘Big Idea’.

The Croatian Tourist Board received 13 applications, including joint bids, and have announced the short list of five who will present their ideas in the second selection phase. Those shortlisted are; Grey Zagreb and Grey EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa); Studio Sonda (Croatia) and M&C Saatchi London&Milano; BBDO Croatia, AMV BBDO UK, and DEC BBDO Spain; SCPF Spain and Bruketa&Žinić from Croatia; and McCann Zagreb and Future Brands UK.

The shortlisted agencies must present their creative concepts, with ideas for 8 main markets, by the 16th of December.

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