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Seven Croats Sign Up to Live on Mars

MarsSeven Croats, including two women, are among over 200,000 people who have applied to take part in a one-way mission to Mars, an expedition to the red planet organised by Dutch company Mars One…

The Dutch company plans to choose crew for a private mission which will become a reality TV show. Mars One will next year whittle the list down to a total of just over 30. The Mars One project aims to establish the first human settlement on the Red Planet by 2023.
26-year-old Marta Velnić is the youngest Croatian on the list. Velnić is currently studying linguistics in Norway. The oldest Croat on the list to go to Mars is 45-year-old amateur musician and photographer Denis Ivančić. Two Ivan’s, a Kira, Hinko and a Marko make up the others.

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