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Masters In New York Not Enough To Prove English Language Ability For Croat

When Nikola Radic applied for a job as a Construction Adviser for the Dubrovnik City Council, the last thing he expected to be told was that his application would not go any further as he did submit proof of proficiency in a foreign language, despite completing his studies in English.

Radic has recently returned from America where he completed his masters degree in construction at The City College of New York. The absurd reason Radic was given prompted the frustrated Croatian to write an open letter to the President of the Commission who refused his job application.

I am sorry that you think that you can get masters at The City College of New York, and be amongst the best students from America, Spain, France…without knowing English. I am sorry if you think that CCNY do lectures, projects, seminars in what language? Korean? Mandarin?

Radic, who was also told he did not have proof of having any computer skills, despite his degree requiring advanced computer skills, says he has ruled out ever-living in Dubrovnik as a result of the treatment he got and says that he will jump at the first opportunity of employment overseas.

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