Croatia’s tourism revenue exceeding record year during peak season
- by croatiaweek
- in News

This summer’s tourist season in Croatia has exceeded all expectations, with some destinations enjoying record numbers.
“To date, 65.7 million tourist nights have been realised, ie 60% of tourist traffic for all of 2019, which means that we have achieved our minimum goal when it comes to tourist traffic. Let us remain responsible so that economic and social events continue in the months ahead, Croatia’s Ministry of Tourism and Sports announced on Twitter today.
Minister Nikolina Brnjac recently commented on the tourist season and determined that according to the value of fiscalised invoices in July and August, this year the value is even above the record year of 2019.
“When we look at the values of fiscalised invoices, in July and August they were even above the record year of 2019. They were up 30% in the accommodation sector and 11% in the catering sector so I think we can be very satisfied with the results so far,” said Brnjac, HRT reported.
Do danas je ostvareno 65,7 milijuna noćenja turista odnosno 60% turističkog prometa čitave 2019., čime smo ostvarili naš minimalni cilj kada je u pitanju turistički promet. Ostanimo odgovorni kako bi se i u mjesecima pred nama nastavila gospodarska i društvena zbivanja.
— Ministarstvo turizma i sporta (@mintsRH) August 29, 2021
During July, August and September 2019, revenues from foreign tourists amounted to just over 6.6 billion euros, which represented a nine percent increase compared to the same period the prior.
By mid-August, over 8 million tourists had visited Croatia, creating 49 million overnight stays, which compared to the same period last year represented an increase of 46 percent in arrivals and 37 percent in overnight stays.