Home » News » Croatians around the world to pray the rosary at the same time on Saturday

Croatians around the world to pray the rosary at the same time on Saturday

(Photo: Facebook)

Father Ike Mandurić has urged all Croats in Croatia and around the world to unite in a simultaneous rosary prayer for the Croatian People on Saturday, April 4th. 

“I invite you, dear Croats from all over the world, to all those whom I have met across Canada, America, Australia and Europe, and all those whom I have not, and I equally love you all: Let’s gather together and perhaps for the first time all together and at the same time pray the rosary, all Croats of the world, for the grace and salvation of God, for all the world, as well as for all the difficulties that afflict our Croatia – from earthquakes to the coronavirus and all modern crosses of this generation,” he said.

The rosary prayer will take place at the same time this Saturday, 4 April, with times in various regions below. 

Sydney, Melbourne – 11 pm
Zagreb, Vienna, Berlin – 2 pm
Dublin, London – 1 pm
Los Angeles – 5 am
Chicago – 7 am
Chile, Argentina, 9 am
Cleveland – 8 am
Toronto, New York – 8 am

“The great pandemic is plaguing the world and the world’s powers are shaking, all systems are shaking, and every human fragility is showing. In addition to this anguish, the capital city of all Croats was badly damaged, churches were torn down, cathedrals damaged, apartments destroyed. With all the anguish and pain that we feel attached to our Homeland, these present ones must pull us together to gather around the Mother of Heaven, for, though we are separated, we are one people and one. Let’s be together with her, all of us Croats from every continent, priests and people of God. And let us pour out all our crying souls. Thanks to the power of grace that the dear God has given to our people, we ask that our people be elevated and thoroughly renewed through this crisis: for faith, to remain true to God and to the Church of our Catholicity, to end the pandemic and rebuild Zagreb, for our diaspora, to preserve our identity and our values, for the future of all Croatian people and their offspring, and for each of us with all our needs, Father Mandurić’s invitation said. 

(Photo: Facebook)

The event, which will be broadcast on YouTube here

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