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Croatian culinary time machine: Step back in time at the ‘What Our Ancestors Ate’ festival

Taste of Croatian tradition at the 'What Our Ancestors Ate' festival

‘What Our Ancestors Ate’ festival (Photo credit: Vrbovec Tourist Board)

The 42nd edition of the long-standing “What Our Ancestors Ate” festival, known as “Kaj su jeli naši stari” in Croatian, kicked off on Friday in Vrbovec, a town to the northeast of Croatia’s capital, Zagreb.

This gastronomic festival, organized by the Vrbovec Tourist Board, showcases a delightful array of traditional dishes crafted using age-old recipes passed down through generations in the region for centuries.

Taste of Croatian tradition at the 'What Our Ancestors Ate' festival

(Photo credit: Vrbovec Tourist Board)

Taste of Croatian tradition at the 'What Our Ancestors Ate' festival

(Photo credit: Vrbovec Tourist Board)

However, it’s not just about Vrbovec’s traditional recipes; the festival also highlights traditional dishes from all across Croatia. Some dishes on offer include buncek, Sekeli gulaš, krvavice, different types of pies and various tasty and traditional cakes and sweets like makovnjača and orahnjača. 

Taste of Croatian tradition at the 'What Our Ancestors Ate' festival

(Photo credit: Vrbovec Tourist Board)

Taste of Croatian tradition at the 'What Our Ancestors Ate' festival

(Photo credit: Vrbovec Tourist Board)

Taste of Croatian tradition at the 'What Our Ancestors Ate' festival

(Photo credit: Vrbovec Tourist Board)

Besides the scrumptious food, attendees can enjoy nightly concerts and take part in various sports activities.

Taste of Croatian tradition at the 'What Our Ancestors Ate' festival

(Photo credit: Vrbovec Tourist Board)

Taste of Croatian tradition at the 'What Our Ancestors Ate' festival

(Photo credit: Vrbovec Tourist Board)

Taste of Croatian tradition at the 'What Our Ancestors Ate' festival

(Photo credit: Vrbovec Tourist Board)

Taste of Croatian tradition at the 'What Our Ancestors Ate' festival

(Photo credit: Vrbovec Tourist Board)

Croatia’s President, Zoran Milanović, graced the festival’s official opening last night. 

During his address at the opening ceremony, President Milanović, who is also the patron of the event, described it as a joyful celebration of good-hearted people.

Taste of Croatian tradition at the 'What Our Ancestors Ate' festival

(Photo credit: Vrbovec Tourist Board)

Taste of Croatian tradition at the 'What Our Ancestors Ate' festival

(Photo credit: Vrbovec Tourist Board)

He mentioned his previous visit four years ago on a similarly hot day and how the quality of the offerings had impressed him. 

Taste of Croatian tradition at the 'What Our Ancestors Ate' festival

(Photo credit: Vrbovec Tourist Board)

Taste of Croatian tradition at the 'What Our Ancestors Ate' festival

(Photo credit: Vrbovec Tourist Board)

Taste of Croatian tradition at the 'What Our Ancestors Ate' festival

(Photo credit: Vrbovec Tourist Board)

He expressed his admiration for the dedication and love of the women who prepare these dishes, doing so out of pure tradition and sheer joy in their craft. He also encouraged the people of Vrbovec to continue their work in the same spirit.

Taste of Croatian tradition at the 'What Our Ancestors Ate' festival

(Photo credit: Office of the President of Croatia/ Tomislav Bušljeta)

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