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Zadar Inspires American Project

seaorganUnited States third most populous city is set to use a landmark located in Zadar on Croatia’s Dalmatian coast for inspiration for a major development project…

The Chicago Park District, which is the oldest and financially largest park district in the U.S.A, is set to construct a Sea Organ, based on the Croatian idea. The Sea Organ is an architectural object which plays music by way of sea waves and tubes located underneath a set of large marble steps.

The Park District is planning to expand the lakeshore an additional 70 feet out into the lake and the planners, led by project manager Bob Foster, say that it would be a good place to try a ‘Croatian sea organ’. Foster says that the idea for the Sea Organ came from Zadar’s award-winning design by architect Nikola Bašić.

Zadar’s Sea Organ, which opened in 2005, has drawn tourists and locals alike. In 2006, the Sea Organ was awarded with the prize ex-aequo of the fourth edition of the European Prize for Urban Public Space.

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