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[VIDEO] Thousands in Cash Falls From Zagreb Suburb Sky

croatiaMore than 97,000 kuna (12,600 euros) has literally fallen from the sky in the Zagreb suburb of Dubrava in Croatia on Friday…

Croatian Radiotelevision reports that the money, all in 200 kuna bills, rained down on the suburb when a man carrying a bag of cash had it come loose whilst he was driving on his motorbike. The man, who was on his way to purchase a car with the cash, did not notice the cash blowing out of the bag, but pedestrians however nearby did.

When a witness phoned a local radio station to alert them as to what was happening, the police soon arrived on the scene. Police confirm that they confiscated 4,000 kuna from one woman who had picked up the lost cash. It was not reported how much of the cash was recovered. Click on post to see the video report.

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