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Enjoy Your Summer Fashion! Tina Katanić Loves Croatian Innovation

CroatiaDo you know what TWIGS is? It is a completely new product range on the Croatian market-adhesive breast lifters, adhesive inner thigh protector and nipple covers that allow women to enjoy fashion trends with confidence and allows them to look and feel better in their favorite dresses.

Twigs adhesive thigh protector is the 1st of its kind on the market. This product successfully prevents inner thigh chafing all day long.
Croatia1To help you feel free and comfortable with no visibility of a bra the range includes adhesive breast lifters and nipple covers. This products help with backless and strapless dresses and/or tops.
Tina Katanić that appears in the campaign for 2014 is also convinced. She is the popular model, tv personality and winner of the last season of the show “Singing with the stars”.

” I love simple and innovative solutions such as TWIGS. The products are very comfortable to wear and they really help. Lately I often hear that women have problems during summer while wearing skirts and dresses on their bare legs. It creates the redness caused by friction of the inner thighs. With these adhesive patches you are free to move around in your skirt or dress all day long with no worry in the world” – commented Tina Katanić.

Tina Katanić

Tina Katanić

These products are credited to the domestic duo – Melita Kramar and Tatjana Mihalic.

” No matter of their shape or size, there are issues women go through in their lives and don’t really like to talk about them. Sometimes all is needed is a simple and discreet solution that could end the issues once and for all and help women everyday life ” – the duo commented.

The products are available in drugstores such as DM and BIPA all across Croatia.

Find out more at: http://www.my-twigs.com/

(Photos by Nikola Zoko, styling Alma Premerl Zoko and Profokus make up)

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