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Doctor Tells Women Alive Husband Was Dead

A women from the town of Kutina in central Croatia has told TV station Nova how a doctor from Sisak hospital told her that he husband had died and then 12 hours later the same doctor explained that it was a mistake and he was in fact still alive.

Jelica Malkoc was told the news on Sunday night that her husband Petar, who has been suffering from a tumor for the past 4 and a half years, that her husband had died after he was rushed into emergency after taking a turn on the weekend.

“The doctor, after examining my husband, told me to go in and say my last goodbyes as he had died. He said that they were taking him for a post-mortem and for me to come today for the paper work,” said Jelica to Nova TV. After a sleepless night Malkoc then received news from the same doctor that ‘shocked’ her. She was told that her husband was in fact still alive. The director of Sisak hospital claims that Jelica was only told that her husband was in a very bad way and not dead.

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