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Action Needed to Stop Brain Drain

CroatiaIt is estimated that between 60,000 and 70,000 people, mostly youth, have left Croatia’s shores in the last 3 years due to the economic crisis in the country, reports daily Glas Istre

In 2013 alone, around 15,000, mostly from the Zagreb, Primorje-Goranje and Split-Dalmatia Counties, left the country in search for better opportunities abroad. With high unemployment and a lack of opportunities, 75-85% of youth in Croatia would like to emigrate overseas, revealed a recent survey. Canada is the most popular destination for those wanting to move and make a new life overseas, followed by the USA, Australia, Germany, Austria and Sweden.

According to estimates from the World Bank, the migration rate of highly educated citizens in Croatia is a massive 29.4 percent, one of the highest rates in the region.

“The difference now from the old wave of emigration, is now it is mainly highly educated people, who are a massive loss to the county. Unfortunately, every third Croat with a diploma is taking their skills and talents abroad, because here they are not required, Croatia is second behind Spain for having the highest youth unemployment rate,” said Prof Božo Skoko during a recent panel discussion on the topic.

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